Hospitality & Teacher Appreciation
Tag we're it friends.. Woot Woot! Employee Pricing on Well, Wine and Beer and $1 off in-house food! Come do Hospitality and Teacher Appreciation Day The B.O.G. Way RemasterDirector_1a5c03258
Free Thanksgiving Meal
Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd, we will be Closed for Business but continue our Free Thanksgiving Meal from 1 to 4.. .. if you find yourself with nowhere to go this Thanksgiving, always know there is fellowship and a spot for you
Fantastic Fish Friday
It's Fantastic Fish Frenzy Friday Folks! Fresh Cod, Beer Battered, and Deep Fried served along side of Housemade Hushpuppies, Coleslaw and Fries! Choice of 1 or 2 piece plates.. DJ Trina at 7 playing some tunes.. Start your Weekend The BOG Way!
Thirsty Thursday
It's Thirsty Thursday, Folks! Domestic and import buckets are $2 off.. what better way to spend this beautiful day
Wacky WOOman’s Wednesday at Bar On The Green
It's Wacky WOOmen's Wing Wednesday! Those Scrumptious KC's are The Special.. Women get employee pricing on Well, Wine and Domestic Bottles.. and last but never least, Braden Wall will be strumming some tunes! Come Celebrate HUMMPPP DAY The B.O.G Way RemasterDirector_1a5c03258
Veterans Day At BOG
.. at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.. never was so Much Owed to so Many by so Few.. Armistice.. Remembrance.. Veteran's Day! At the going down of the sun and in the morning.. We
Closed On Sunday November 5th
Due to Medical Reasons. The BOG will be Closed Sunday, the 5th. Mon-Wed 11am - 8pm. Remainder of the week remains normal hours..